Manchurian Ringneck Cross Pheasant This is the most popular bird among hunters today. This bird is a very explosive bird that is sure to impress the most doubtful hunters. The Manchurian Pheasant is similar in appearance to the Chinese Ringneck.
Chukar Partridge These speedy birds are well know for their quick takeoff and fast flight. They do well in dry and arid climates. These smaller birds will defiantly give the most persistent hunters a run for their money.
Mutant Pheasant
This pheasant turns a iridescent purple to green when full grown. This bird is slightly larger than a Ringneck, and can be one of the toughest pheasants to bag in the field.
The Buff pheasant is close to the same size as the ringneck and when full grown will be dark red in color.
To learn more about our birds, what we offer, or to make an order for chicks Contact Jay Sutherland (435)-660-9412 [email protected]